‘The best people in a crisis’

Linda Barclay Isles
Thursday 13 June 2024

For Carers Week we’d like to celebrate our staff and students who play a vital role in caring for family and loved ones. We spoke to Lindsay from our Student Records team about her experience of being a carer who works full-time.

“I’m Lindsay and I joined the University in early 2019. I work within Academic Registry in the Student Records Team, and I am a carer for my seven-year-old, autistic son Brodie.

“Brodie was only officially assessed and diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) last year but we have known that he is neurodiverse in some form since he was roughly two years old.

“I am never pressured or questioned in detail about last-minute issues arising related to my caring role at home. There is a quiet support and I know there is a trust in me to complete my work in a flexible way that works for me if I find I need to take time out to care for my son.

“The option to split my role between the office and working from home has been a real game changer in relieving pressure for me as a parent/carer and has contributed to a much more positive work-life balance.

“I was not aware of the University’s Carers’ Leave policy until a Manager told me about it to help me protect my annual leave. Annual leave can get eaten up pretty quickly with unexpected events as a carer, so Carers’ Leave has proved invaluable for me.

“I would say that embracing each carer’s situation and helping them to work in a way that they feel supported and not an inconvenience to their team is vital. I am certain that once this switch is made, managers will see a huge change in wellbeing within their teams, including carers.

“Carers can and do hold down full-time roles very well, given the correct support. We are often the best people in a crisis given some of the situations we face personally!”

The University provides paid leave up to 5 days per year* to assist employees who have caring responsibilities.

To be eligible, employees are required to opt-in to the University’s Carer Register located in HR Self-Service (under My Forms) and notify their line manager to request to take this leave. 

This leave will normally be planned/requested in advance of taking the leave, and more information is avalailable on the Special Leave information page.

*pro-rated for part-time staff or staff who do not work a 5-day working week. 

There is also a Parents and Carers network that staff members can join for support and information sharing. 

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