‘We do all the little things’
For Carers Week we’d like to celebrate our staff and students who play a vital role in caring for family and loved ones. Angela, who is a Chef at DRA, spoke to us about about her experience of juggling work, study and caring responsibilities.
“My name is Angela, I’ve worked for the University for six years. I started as an Food Service Assistant, then I was promoted to Food Service Assistant Supervisor and, as of January 2023 I have been a Chef. I work at David Russell Apartments.
“I also care for my mother, who has severe arthritis. So far, she has had four operations on her feet, four on her hands, and in the last 18 months she has had both hips replaced and she is on a waiting list to have her knees operated on.
“Caring for my mom varies from day to day. For early shifts I get up at 4am to walk my dogs, help get my mom out of bed and help dress her and make sure she takes all her medication. I also help her with many daily tasks that most people take for granted, but that people with mobility issues struggle with. I am also her only form of transport to take her to appointments, as we have no family nearby.
“While working full time I took the decision in 2022 to start studying for BA honours in business management with the Open University. It is hard to study with dyslexia, as I can take a little longer than some people, but I have achieved good grades. I have gained many new skills and enhanced skills that I use every day.
“It is important that we all recognise all carers, we are the people in the background supporting family members. We do all the little tasks from putting socks on, to making sure that you get to that appointment, filling out forms, to finding a tilting kettle.
“Yes, we do get tired and stressed not only for ourselves but for and about the people we care for. Which is why we should raise awareness for carers and appreciate all that they do.”
The University provides paid leave up to five days per year* to assist employees who have caring responsibilities.
To be eligible, employees are required to opt-in to the University’s Carer Register located in HR Self-Service (under My Forms) and notify their line manager to request to take this leave.
This leave will normally be planned/requested in advance of taking the leave, and more information is avalailable on the Special Leave information page.
*pro-rated for part-time staff or staff who do not work a 5-day working week.
There is also a Parent and Carers network that all staff can join for support and information sharing.
The University also has several measures in place to support work-life balance including flexible and hybrid working, with a series of new measures since 2017 to support parents and carers. These include:
- Onsite subsidised nursery provision for staff and students
- Subsidised holiday camps run by our Sports Centre during school holidays and closures
- Caring Fund providing support for caring costs associated with external career development opportunities
- Launch of a Staff Parents and Carers Network
- Provision of a mobile creche at events
The University has made significant enhancements to family-friendly policies:
- Time off for fertility and antenatal appointments as a day-one right
- Parental bereavement leave ensuring full pay and covering all children
- Paid leave for non-emergency caring responsibilities for registered carers
- Full salary maternity (from 16-22 weeks) and paternity (2-3 weeks) entitlement
- Paid compassionate leave provision (from 1-2 weeks)
- Paid leave for emergency dependant care (from 3-7 days a year)
More information is available on the Special Leave information page
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